Thursday, January 3, 2008

Iowa Report card

Mike Huckabee: A+: Won Iowa by even more than the pundits/polls predicted. Has now officially established himself as a major player for the white house.

Barack Obama: A: Won at the same time as Clinton finished 3rd. Obama with a few more wins could seal the nomination.

Fred Thompson: B: Rumored to need a third place finish to stay in and he got it, but it was an unimpressive 3rd.

John McCain: B-: Neither passed or fell short of expectations.

Ron Paul: B-: Made double digits, but far from a "revolution."

Rudy Giuliani: C-: Did not compete, but finishing well behind Paul is still a black eye.

Mitt Romney: D+: Not Dead, but there is nothing positive for Mitt from Iowa.

John Edwards: D: He needed Iowa. Now he should quit the race.

Hillary Clinton: D-: Finished 3rd, loses all momentum, may quickly lose front runner status and untimely the nomination.

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