Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Iowa Caucuses Predictions

1. John Edwards: 30%: Edward's strong base of support in Iowa puts him on top in this toss-up between him, Obama and Clinton. A third place finish will end it for Edwards, while a second place finish may allow him to at least remain campaigning until February 5th.

2. Hillary Clinton: 29%: As the establishment candidate with a great organization Clinton has the edge over Obama, but it may not be enough to beat out Iowa's adopted son Edwards. If Clinton does manage to win Iowa, she will have the nomination wrapped up, and will be strongly favored to win so long as Obama does not win Iowa.

3. Barrack Obama: 24%: While Obama is the cool candidate history tells us that candidates who's support comes in large part from young/first time voters typically do not do well. Iowa will probably be the end of Obama mania, unless he pulls the upset, in which case it will be an all out slugfest between Obama and Clinton.

4. Joe Biden: 7%: In spite of Biden's qualifications he has failed to gain much traction probably due to his habit of uttering questionable racial remarks from time to time.

5. Bill Richardson: 5%: See Biden.

5. Chris Dodd: 4%: Dodd just seems to be an average senator. Utterly uninteresting

6. Dennis Kucinich: 1%: Will get the votes of Iowa's burgeoning hippy population.


1.Mike Huckabee: 28%: A logical candidate for Iowa the only question is if his lack of money/organization and fast rise will hold up. If he wins he becomes the front runner for the nomination. If not he's done.

2. Mitt Romney: 26%: The front runner for most of the past year, and has superior money and organization. Lack of orthodoxy in the past has caused Huckabee's rise. Probably has about a 50-50 chance of winning Iowa. Is not necessarily dead with an Iowa loss, but would be in serious trouble.

3. John McCain: 18%: As long as he finishes third, Iowa will be a victory for him.

4. Fred Thompson: 10%: Flat out should not be running. Probably needs to have a much better than expected finish (maybe 20%) to get viable, and there is no reason to expect that.

5. Ron Paul: 8%: Does 8% really consist of a revolution?

6. Rudy Giuliani: 7%: I wonder if people in Iowa even know if he is an option.

7. Duncan Hunter: 2%: Maybe he can at least beat Keyes.

8. Alan Keyes: 1%: His heart just does not seem in it this time around.

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