Sunday, February 18, 2007

Presidential Contender: Hillary Clinton

This week's 2008 Presidential profile is Democrat Hillary Clinton. Clinton is of course best known for being the wife of former president Bill Clinton, but in 2000 was elected herself as a Senator from the state of New York. In the Senate Clinton sits on the Committee on Armed Services, Committee on Environment and Public Works, Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, and the Special Committee on Aging.


Education: Against Vouchers, Against organized Prayer.

Environment: Pro-Kyoto Protocol, Anit-ANWAR dirlling.

Budget/Taxes/Economy: Supports repeal of Bush tax cuts, Pro-free-trade.

Net Neutrality: Supports

Health Care: Subsidise poor.

Iraq: Against withdrawl

Abortion; Pro-Choice

Gay Marriage: For civil unions and against marriage.

Flag Burning: Supports anti-Flag burning Amendment.

Stem Cells: Supports federal funding for embryonic research.

Video Games: Tighter regulaton.

I have mixed feelings about Clinton politically, while I support her on issues such as the environment, I am puzzled on some of her possisions such as the flag burning amendment, and she seems to be the most pro-war Democrat running. In the early stages I will not support her, but I would be willing to if the some of the candidates I like drop out. In the general I would probably vote Hillary, but would take a look at the Republican if they nominate a moderate. As it stands now Hillary is the clear front runner, but she has not won yet, but look for her to be in it until the bitter end.

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