Thursday, May 3, 2007

Republican Debate Rankings

1. Mike Huckabee: Seemed to really believe what he said. Used faith a lot but was believable

2. Duncan Hunter: Very strong preformence. Seemed sane and seemed to understand issues.

3. Mitt Romney: Solid overall preformence. Weak abortion answer.

4. Jim Gilmore: He got on tv!!!

5. Rudy Giuliani: OK. But tried to avoid answering some questions.

6. John McCain: Age showed. Got better twords the end.

7. Ron Paul: Stuck to his guns, but his guns won't get him far.

8. Sam Brownback: a non entity during the debate.

9. Tommy Thompson: No very strong answers, seemed to try and go around some questions.

10. Tom Tancredo: Not much face time, and didn't do well with what was given to him.

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