Saturday, July 12, 2008

Wisconsin VP Rankings

Wisconsin Democrats
Jim Doyle: Gov, Ranking: 4, Has been a mediocre Gov.
Herb Kohl: Sen, Ranking; 3, Too old.
Russ Feingold: Sen, Ranking: 5, Loved by the base may hurt with the center.
Tammy Baldwin: Rep WI-2, Ranking: 5, Could help with base and Clinton supporters.
Ron Kind: Rep Wi-3, Ranking: 5, One of several young Wisconsin Reps.
Gwen Moore: Rep WI-4, Ranking: 3, Only 4 years in Congress.
Dave Obey: Rep WI-7, Ranking: 4, Almost 40 years in congress, but is almost 70.
Steve Kagen: Rep WI-8, Ranking: 3, Freshman.

Wisconsin Republicans
Scott McCallum: Former Gov, Ranking: 4, Served 23 months as Governor.
Tommy Thompson: Former Gov, Ranking: 6, One of the most experienced Republicans alive, and may be able to deliver Wisconsin.
Paul Ryan: Rep WI-1, Ranking: 6, Only 38, but has 10 years in Congress.
Jim Sensenbrenner: Rep WI-5, Ranking: 5, 30 years in Congress.
Tom Petri: Rep WI-6, Ranking: 5, see above.

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