Sunday, July 6, 2008

VP Rankings Nebraska

Nebraska Democrats
Chuck Hagel: Sen, Ranking: 6, Could be a good national unity pick, but may be too conservative.
Ben Nelson: Sen, Ranking: 5, Balances ticket.
Bob Kerrey: Former Sen, Ranking: 8, Medal of Honor winner and a centerist, could cover some of Obama's weak points.

Nebraska Republicans
Dave Heineman: Gov, Ranking: 5, An uninspired safe pick.
Mike Johanns: Former Gov, and Former Sec of Agriculture, Ranking: 4, Would have been a good pick, but is running for senate.
Jeff Fortenberry: Rep NE-1, Ranking: 3, Would hurt McCain on pork.
Lee Terry, Rep NE-2, Ranking: 4, Could help McCain win Nebraska by even more.
Adrian Smith: Rep NE-3, Ranking: 3, Freshman.

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