Friday, July 4, 2008

VP Rankings Kansas

Kansas Democrats
Kathleen Sebelius: Gov, Ranking: 8, Popular female centrist Governor, but may not be able to hand Obama any states.
Nancy Boyda: Rep KS-2, Ranking: 3, A member of the class of 2006.
Dennis Moore: Rep KS-3, Ranking: 4, A four term pro-choice congressman.

Kansas Republicans
Bill Graves: Former Gov, Ranking: 4, Former Governor who has been out of politics for five years.
Sam Brownback: Sen, Ranking: 6, Could help with social conservatives and catholics.
Pat Roberts, Sen, Ranking: 4, Has good qualifications from the Senate, but is 72.
Jerry Moran: Rep KS-1, Ranking: 4, Could help with rural voters, but brings little else to the ticket.
Todd Tiahrt: Rep KS-4, Ranking: 5, A member from the class of 1994.

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