Monday, February 26, 2007

Presidential Contender: Chris Dodd

Chris Dodd is a long time Senator (5 terms) from Connecticut. Dodd also served as a US Congressman for three terms before being elected to to Senate in 1980. Dodd serves on the following committees in the Senate, Rules and Administration, Foreign Relations, Health Education Labor and Pensions, and Banking Housing and Urban Affairs. Dodd was also the Chairman of the DNC from 1995 to 1997.


Security: reimburse soldiers for body armor, increase funding for fire fighters.

Education: Increase funding for Head Start, reform No Child Left Behind, increase funding of special education, expand student loans and grants, make tuition tax deductible.

Energy/Environment: Increase car mileage, mandate that 20% of US energy come from renewable sources, tax incentives for ethanol re-join Kyoto.

Economy: Increase funding of SBA, increase technical training for women, increase the self-employment health deduction, exempt small businesses from the estate tax.

Dodd is is one of the most experienced candidates in the field, but is also one of the most unexciting. There is nothing about him that is different from the rest of the candidates, even his experience which should be his most valuable asset is equaled Biden who seems to be running a more serious campaign. Unless Dodd comes out with some major policy proposal I see no reason to support him during the Primary, however if he some how makes it to the general, I would be perfectly comfortable with voting for him.

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